After instructions
After filler treatment, which consists of hyaluronic acid, temporary complications such as swelling, unevenness and bruising may occur, which usually disappear within 1-2 weeks. Sometimes adjustments may be needed, which can be done during a follow-up visit at no extra cost. Final results are visible after 4 weeks, when any residual swelling subsides. Recommendations include applying the supplied cream and avoiding sun exposure, make-up, alcohol and intense exercise for a certain period.
After the treatment, apply the accompanying cream and use the treated muscles to speed up the effect; full results may take up to 14 days. Avoid light exercise within 4 hours and heavy exercise within 24 hours and refrain from alcohol consumption. Apply cream for swelling or bruising; additional treatment may be needed at follow-up, free of charge. Bruising can last for 1-2 weeks, and occasional eyebrows may appear heavy, which improves with time. Headaches are common in the beginning and can be relieved with painkillers. Initial treatments should take place 3-4 months apart, with maintenance every 1-2 years.
After treatment with hyaluronic acid fillers, small bumps may appear on the skin, which usually disappear the next day or sometimes take longer. Bruises, if present, usually disappear within a week. Apply the supplied cream to the treatment area and avoid light exercise for 4 hours, heavy exercise and alcohol for 24 hours. For optimal results, consider returning for a follow-up treatment after 4 weeks. If you experience raised areas, be patient as they usually subside within a few days, but in rare cases it may take longer.
Microtox treatment induces controlled skin damage via needles, stimulating collagen and capillary production. Vistabel targets glands and vessels, reduces pores, oiliness and improves skin tone. The effects last 3-4 months and can be repeated. Post-treatment, avoid exercise, sauna, alcohol for 24 hours and make-up for 12 hours. Also avoid sun exposure and saunas for a few days. Swelling, redness and warmth of the face is normal and usually lasts 2 days, with occasional peeling in rare cases.
After filler removal treatment, you can expect redness, swelling, pain, bruising and tenderness at the injection site, which can last up to 14 days. Avoid exercise, sauna, alcohol and massage/peeling over treated areas for 24 hours. Follow-up appointments can be booked two weeks later to assess results and consider further treatment. The remover breaks down natural hyaluronic acid, affecting the skin's elasticity, but it will gradually improve over time.
After your double chin injection treatment containing deoxycholic acid, expect swelling to increase over the next few days, which is necessary for the fat-dissolving process. Fluid accumulation under the chin is common. Avoid exercise and alcohol for 24 hours. Bruising from needle injections may occur and you may experience tension and numbness initially, which is normal and not harmful.
After Silhouette Soft Lift treatment, apply antibiotic cream to the needle points twice daily for 5 days and take anti-inflammatory pain relievers as needed. Sleep with your head elevated for 5 nights and wash your face gently without rubbing for 5 days. Be careful with make-up, shaving and hair washing for 5 days and avoid make-up, alcohol and exercise for 24 hours. Also avoid direct sunlight, solariums, facial massages, aesthetic treatments, contact sports, dental procedures and extreme facial movements for about 3 weeks. Expect lumps, bruising, swelling and tingling, which may last a few weeks, and discuss volume restoration plans with your doctor after about 4 weeks.
After your PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) treatment, you can expect possible bumps and swelling due to plasma absorption, which usually resolves within 24 hours. Apply the supplied cream to the treatment area and note that maximum results may take up to 3 months. Avoid strenuous exercise for 4 hours and heavy exercise for 24 hours, as well as alcohol consumption for 24 hours. Swelling and bruising from needle injections are common but usually disappear within a few days.
After TCA (Trichloroacetic Acid) treatment, you can expect initial warmth, swelling and a burning sensation in the skin, with possible color changes. Follow the post-treatment instructions carefully, use only the supplied products without mixing with other active ingredients. Avoid saunas, hot baths, direct sunlight, strong skin care products, acids and peels, and avoid picking or pulling the skin. The skin may peel and form scabs after a few days.
After a chemical peel, avoid heavy exercise for 24 hours. Skip the sauna for 24 hours. Stay out of direct sunlight for a few days. Apply sunscreen with SPF 30. Avoid other acid-based products to prevent over-exfoliation. Expect mild swelling, redness and scaling.
After your PRX-T33 treatment, you can expect increased skin cell renewal and elasticity, reduced fine lines and wrinkles, and improved skin tone. Avoid heavy exercise for 24 hours, makeup for the next 9 hours, sauna or jacuzzi for 24 hours, and sun exposure. Use sunscreen with at least SPF 30. Use the included WiQo products for optimal care after the treatment, avoid the combination with other active ingredients such as acids or retinol. Watch out for possible swelling, mild redness, tingling, dryness and scaling, apply Nutrient Cream (day cream) as needed.
After your microneedling treatment, you can expect improved collagen production and skin repair. Protect your skin by wearing at least SPF30 daily, using clean pillowcases and towels, avoiding saunas or hot environments, refraining from vigorous exercise for 24 hours, and avoiding acidic products for the following week. Skip makeup for 48 hours after treatment. Watch for possible swelling, redness, warmth and scaling, usually up to 2 days.